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AUDIOs Spanish Pronouns

Learn Pronouns I, You, He, She, We, They - With Spanish Translation

Listen to Spanish Audio of Pronoun I
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They have the Spanish pronouns in phrases and sentences spoken by a English person; with pronunciations from English to Spanish. Choose the audio after reading the Pronoun

If you prefer to listen to a Spanish person speaking these phrases and sentences, browse to an online free translator, such as this one at freetranslation.com and enter the English word for translation to Spanish. Then choose audio to listen to the pronunciation.

the pronoun I - listen to audio translation english to spanish from Pronouns Spanish I

read the words, listen to the audio translations English to Spanish Pronoun I
i want - quiero
i want lunch - quiero almuerzo
i want good food - Quiero buena comida
I eat - comer
I do - y a la
I go - voy
I go sometimes - voy a veces
I ask - te pido
I understand - entiendo
I make - hacer
I make one - hacer uno
I make several - hacer varios
I write - escribo
I shop - comprar
I drive - conducir
i drive there everyday - que conduzco todos los días
I drive them everyday - conduzco todos los días
I work - trabajo
I work everyday - trabajo todos los días
I am self employed - soy autónomo
I am self sufficient - soy autosuficiente
I work when i want - trabajo cuando quiero
I shop everyday - comprar todos los días
I only shop at certain stores - sólo comprar en ciertas tiendas
I ate a burger - (Yo) comí una hamburguesa
I saw a bear - (Yo) vi un oso
